Mirror Time

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We just had a wonderful holiday. I ate too much and had to loosen my pants for a day or two, but it was all good! I loved driving down to Dallas to see family and play with my kids. I love how life is filled with lessons and blessings. This adventure was just that: Lessons and Blessings.

Want a hear the lesson?

While at one family member’s home for dinner, a member told my husband, “Don’t make it another year before you bring y’all back to see us.” Later that same person questioned us on how we were doing something in life. As we were preparing to leave, we were told, “I just want you to be safe.”

Now, I know that I am not to take anything personally that others speak. Luke 6:45 teaches me that out of the abundance of the heart, a mouth speaks. A hurt heart speaks hurtful words (even if they feel the words are out of love). I know that I am not to be offended by others’ words, but I also know:

I do not have to let words that are spoken at me become words that are spoken over me.

The words spoken to us on that particular day were meant to motivate us to do what that person wanted us to do in life. But, if reviewing what was said, I felt:





and lots of fear!

Romans 2:4 TPT

Do you realize that all the wealth of His extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?

Romans 2:4 AMP

Are you [actually] unaware or ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness leads you to repentance [that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life]?


The goodness of God – GOODNESS is what leads you/me/they/he/she/us to change!  When words are spoken at me, I get to stop the train and take a second to look and then decide if I will shoo, eschew, or pursue them.


James 3:17 TPT

But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form.

James 3:17 AMP

But the wisdom from above is first pure [morally and spiritually undefiled], then peace-loving [courteous, considerate], gentle, reasonable [and willing to listen], full of compassion and good fruits. It is unwavering, without [self-righteous] hypocrisy [and self-serving guile].

When words are spoken at me, those will be the words I allow to be spoken over me. And this is now my checking point.

Are those words wise, pure, filled with peace, and considerate?  Those are the ones I will allow over me.  Do you know that you get to choose? You get to choose what you allow in, on, and over you!

Now here is a checkpoint.

What about the words you speak?  Do you look in the mirror and say, “Oh dear God, look at those bags! Where did your waistline go?  How much pie did you eat, you freak? Seriously we have to get our crap together.”  OR-OR-OR do say something like, “Hey, hot stuff. Looking good today. I love you. No! Really, pretty lady, I love you. You are righteous, you were made to thrive, and you are filled with beauty and grace.”

Well, if you say part one, then we really need to work on your “mirror time.”

If you say part two, then you really need to do your mirror time every day!

Words spoken at you also come from you. Make sure that they are your “Heavenly seated” status!

When you hear the song “Speak Life,” what do you see in your mind? This is a serious question to think about for a sec. …..


Yes, life-filled words give us flight. Life-filled words give us hope. Life-filled words help us rise up to the realm of the heavenly that we are already seated in; we just forget sometimes.  When you catch yourself sitting in a place on this earth that’s uncomfortable, itchy, and bumpy, remember…you are not supposed to BE sitting on this earth; you are supposed to be seated in the heavenly realm.

Ephesians 2:6

He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ!

When we bring our thoughts UP-UP-UP to higher thoughts, we rise back up to where we are seated.

Do you have a creator? One who formed you and made you and created you? If you answered yes to this basic question, then tell me a few things about your Creator.

Is He good?

Is He powerful?

Is he the best of the best?

Does He expect His creation just to get by, to be okay, or to live on a rollercoaster where we go up with overwhelming emotions, then down with overwhelming emotions, then back up again all the time, day in and day out?

No, our Creator loves His creation! He created us to live in peace, joy, goodness, prosperity, health, and hope!

The greatness in our life is a direct reflection of Who created us.

Stop the rollercoaster! Well, better yet, get off of it.

Ephesians 1:18 TPT

I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling —that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!

You are His inheritance…YOU!!!! Look in that mirror and say, “God was so excited to have me! I am His inheritance!!”

Man, when are we gonna know and believe– HOW much God truly LOVES us– And, if the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, your Creator – LOVES you, then no one and nothing should be allowed to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ever again!

Remember who you are, baby!


Ephesians 1:19 TPT

I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power!

Sooo, how was your holiday?

It was great! I got to learn how to take back my power. Not letting others’ views determine what I choose to believe about myself. I saw that I don’t always get to choose what words are spoken to me, but I always get to choose what words I allow over and in me. I don’t have to ride on emotional roller coasts; all I have to do is remember…remember who I am!



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LEc2nleBmo[/embedyt]



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