No One’s Perfect

You know when someone tells you a story and you think one thing but the [...]

What Would Love Do?

There are only two motivators in life:  fear and love All decisions we make and [...]

Take A Second To Stop Second Guessing

The other day, someone sent me a text message that they thought would bring me [...]

Drop The “How?”

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, and photographer, did a study on how our words [...]

A Heart That is Honest, Grateful, & Full of Praise

It’s been said, “misery loves company”. This statement is actually very true.  What we focus [...]

Three Keys to Peace

I am blessed to have a daughter who is currently in college. This adventure for [...]

Free Indeed

I want to ask you a question that I want you to ponder for a [...]

Let Go

I have a sweet friend whom I love spending time with. She is in her [...]

Life is an Echo of My Thoughts

I found myself in a battle today. Over the past couple of years, I have [...]

Be A Lion

Consider with me for a moment two animals; the lion and the elephant. Both have [...]

Love Never Fails, Like Never

I recently watched an amazing movie that inspired me to spend sometime looking at God’s love for [...]

Ask Yourself These 3

The other day I spent sometime in conversation with an acquaintance of mine.  As we [...]

Tree of Life

When I was in the 7th grade, I got to live on a farm, in [...]

Year At A Glance

  So often, January brings new resolutions, new goals, new hopes, and a clean slate. [...]

Mirror Time

  We just had a wonderful holiday. I ate too much and had to loosen [...]


A Change of Mind

The other day I had an incident that I learned from. These are the things [...]


  EXPECTATIONS   In a conversation the other day, I overheard someone talking about how [...]


Hold Out Your Hand

Have you ever had a child say,  “Hold out your hand”? Intuition says, “Um, why?” [...]


ALOHA! Hawaii was a big dream for me, and recently I went to visit. One [...]

Do Hard Things

Have you ever heard “Victory produces joy and joy produces confidence”? I recently went on [...]

Nope, Not Today Fear.

Last week we went on a trip to the mountains with my son and his [...]


Feelings or Faith

“When the message came to him, Joseph wept.” This is from Genesis 50. It’s referring [...]

Preconceived Ideas vs. Expectations

I recently took a trip to a different state. I had not been to this [...]

Travel Light

When you hear the words “travel light” what comes to mind? Recently I was sent [...]

Speak Life


Refuse to Worry

I have a daughter who’s currently is in college. Now, my momma heart is super [...]

Raising My Expectation

3 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, [...]

Find Your Melody

The other day I sat down to have lunch with a friend. He was a [...]

Heart Cross Roads

On a bright winter afternoon, I went to visit a friend.  She wasn’t feeling well, [...]

Led By The Spirit: Girls Trip-Easily Entreated

Several hundreds of dollars, a hotel night or two and countless moments of patience had [...]


How to Overcome Judgement

The other day I was at Walmart. As I walked up the aisle, a lady [...]


Heal The Feel

  Have you ever heard, “Out of sight out of mind?”  Now, there may be [...]

How to Not Be Offended – A Shift In Trajectory

Raise your hand if you feel you are on the defense side in life. ?‍♀️ [...]

What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect?

What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect?     Recently, I visited the [...]


Don’t Cry Over Spilt Coffee

Ladies’ Bible Study via Zoom There are other women out there just like you. Want [...]

Women, Use Your Voice!

Ladies’ Bible Study Invite You can find other No Ordinary Women {N.O.W.} on Fridays at [...]

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ladies’ Bible Study via Zoom Are you curious about Ladies’ Bible Study? We meet via [...]

Soar Like an Eagle

Love, Shirley Ladies’ Bible Study via Zoom We would love to invite you to join [...]

How Many Firsts Do We Have?

  Don’t miss Ladies’ Bible Study via Zoom! Click here to get on the list. [...]

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