Year At A Glance

Changed Blog 2


Changed Blog 2

So often, January brings new resolutions, new goals, new hopes, and a clean slate.  All of these are fabulous, and we all need the refreshing of something new; however, I wanted to take a second to observe the new me I have become through the past year. Yes, there have been many changes in my life – personal, physical, financial, and geographical.

I want to focus on, for a second, the inner changes. I am a new person because of the previous list, but the real changes that have transformed me are the ones that took place on the inside first.

This post is just to share with you the things I have learned this past year.
I believe 2020 was meant for us to “STOP the train” and reevaluate life.
I believe the purpose of 2021 was to be a year of awareness.
2022, in my opinion, was  meant to be a year of change, growth, and eliminating and adding.
2023 is whole new, beautiful reality full of life, love, fearlessness faith and great rise for all who choose this!
So, I made a list of the things I have learned and just wanted to go through the list together.  The is going to be a two part sharing.  I am going to share about 1/2 of my list this week then the other half next week.  In the meantime, if you think about this, make a list of a few things you have learned and changed in over the past tow year.s

Things I have learned this year:

  • Debt to others:  If you ever feel as though you owe someone something like time, attention, and answer… that should be an alarm to you. I lived from a place od owing. If someone called I owe a call back, if someone wanted me to do something, I owed it to them. If if, if…I lived in a place of poverty mentally because I owed all of me to everyone.

    “Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” Romans 8:13

    this brings us to the next point.

  • No one own me a thing. Just a living in obligation put me in a place of debt, feeling like I was owed was also a poverty mentality.  No one, not my parents, my kids, my friends, my boss, my spouse, that person who was awful to me, not even my God owes me anything.  I am responsible and empowered to live sufficiently. My Dad had given and done it all.  Both of these lessons showed me where I was mentally living below par…or as I call it in a poverty mindset. Defeating that kind of mindset was a goal of mine, I never realized it started in obligation and mental debt.
  • No-one Owns another man/woman.  Not even our spouse.  I don’t even own my kids; they are free humans who get to live their own life’s story; I get to enjoy watching it

    “When a Father observes his child living in godliness, he is estatic with joy.” Proverbs 23:25

    “The earth is the Lords and everything in it. the world and all its people belong to Him” Psalms 24:1…what a burden lifter that is

  • Real love is not based on what I can get from you. If I really love you, then I need nothing from you. I enjoy your joys even if it means I don’t get to be a part of them because I love you, and real love doesn’t need anything in return.                                                                                                                                                   
  • Walking in others’ shoes is not an option, but choosing to see the best in them and for them is.

 Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. Romans 14:!3

  • It can and will turn out better than you can expect..fearlessly believe this!

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” Ephesians 3:20

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.”  Romans 8:38.  This is why we are not to be afraid of sudden fear!  We know that it will all work out, just breath!

  • Being is seeing. Just be who you truly are, and then you will see what you need to see.

I was in an awful habit of being what I thought others needed me to be. Saying and doing what I thought others needed me to say or do.  I have learned that what others “need” from me is for me to be the best version of me.  When I am love, I manifest love to others.  When I am in light, I manifest light to others. When I am at peace others benefit from being in my peace.  This is not self centered, this where love begins, on the inside.

  • Fear is a liar.

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity Kitai.”  This quote is from a movie called, After Earth. This quote really struck my heart.  I know that God does not give us the spirit of fear. ( 1Timothy 1:7) but what I saw when I pondered this is that Fear is something I have the ability to bring into existence by my thoughts. Thoughts of the future, thoughts of the “what if” or “how”. Fear exist if I allow it.  I have every right to stop fear from exiting in my mind. I have been given power-love-soud mind. This is my reality, this is where I choose to stay.  Which brings me to my next lesson this year….


  • Love cast out fear

“There is no fear in love.” 1John 4:18 Just like fungus can not exist in an alkaline body, fear can not exist in a love filled mind. How do I get to a place of love? Just like feeding my body lemons or apple cider vinegar to get to alkaline I feed my mind the truth that He fist loved me,  that I am a child of God, that He so loved me that He gave His son for me, that He so loves me that He knows the numbers of hairs upon my head at anytime. I recall to my thoughts that The Creator of all chose to place Christ in little ol’ me making me a power filled being.  I am so powerful that it at times is beyond all comprehension. When I identify myself with who He created me to be, love effervesce from me-overflows from my full cup-pours our of my being-is who and what I become!

  • I do not have to be offended, defended my life, or take personal things that people say or do.
  • I am not responsible for knowing what is in the entire ocean; I am only accountable for living in that little part of the sea that is my life.
  • The peace that passes understanding is available even in a storm. Just ask.
  • Living in the present is harder to do than it sounds, but it is where life is truly to be lived.
  • Self Care is vital. “Have to give to him that needs” requires taking the time you need to make sure you have to give.
  • I allow no, no, no, condemnation in me! Romans 1:17
  • Identity is not external but eternal and internal. John 3:16
  • I was a validation junky; I looked for it all the time. I no longer seek others’ validation; my value is in Christ alone.  II Corinthians 5:21
  • Repeat after me, “Not my monkey, not my circus!” We count for ONLY one! I Thessalonians 4:11
  • Voice-activated faith is how we live. Mathew 11:23
  • It is God at work within you – God at work within you – It is! THE ALL truth lives in me. Philippines 2:13
  • I am not to live in an offensive state or a defensive state, but I will live in LOVE. I Corinthians 13
  • Shining light at times requires simple silence. Radiate love, hope, and peace from within. James 1:19
  • God is not limited by my imperfections, He still works in me even when I blow it.
  • I can not disappoint God!  His love for me is not based on me, be free!
  • The victory is in the mind before it is ever on the field!
  • Question: Are you afraid to succeed? Never fear success, He want you to succeed, go take it!
  • Trying to control the world around me is like trying to organize the waves of the oceans. Let go and lot it flow.
  • Root yourself in this very moment!
  • When I pray God moves in the spiritual world, it just takes time to see it in the physical
  • All things work together for good…Period, it may not seem lie it but they do! Romans 8:28
  • The need to feel you are winning or loosing is a program we have been fed. We are conquerors through Him, no matter what. Romans 8:37
  • Speak your truth even if your voice trembles, truth sets you free.
  • God has already moved, He is just waiting on me to take what He has given.list blog

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