Life is an Echo of My Thoughts

Blue Tan Photo Girl in a Field Chose Joy Quote Facebook Post

I found myself in a battle today.

Over the past couple of years, I have grown tremendously in overcoming my need for validation, being curious about where I should be minding my biz, and not being needy of others. Today, however, you would think I had not worked on any of these topics.  

I woke up with 1,000 thoughts in my head. Thoughts of, “he could do better if he…,” and  “she is struggling in this category but if she would only…”, and then there was “if they would simply…”

Then with a roar like a lion, I roared at my snowball of thoughts, “STOP!” 

Have you ever heard the saying, “Not my monkey, not my circus?” Well, it’s a powerful statement I needed to remember this morning. In essence, it means that I am responsible for myself. I am not responsible for what “he” could do better, how “she” is struggling, nor what “they” should try. I am not responsible for thinking for, solving the problem for, or projecting on ANYONE!  We count for one and only one.  Everyone can live, breathe, and move in this life however they choose. I have zero right to expect anyone to do things “MY” way, ZERO! I don’t want the responsibility for their lives anyhow, so why do I try to project onto them how they should live them? What I should be doing is working on healing my heart, raising my thoughts, and becoming the best version of myself possible. When I am genuinely doing that, there is no room for me to be in others’ biz.  Gratefully I can always pray for anyone at any time, but I can not live for, live through, or live in anyone else’s responsibility. Thankfully I recognized how I was thinking, and I could redirect my thoughts, releasing the weight that wasn’t even mine.  

Just about the time I had this sorted through, all of a sudden, I felt an overwhelming insecurity.  “Why didn’t he tell me….” “Why didn’t she respond to my text,” “Why are they not including me.” HA!!! Okay, girl, let’s take this one on, too, shall we? 

Validation and neediness are two struggles that I will one day defeat. I do not NEED anything from anyone. Seriously, I have only one supplier in this life: my Creator.  He is the only one that is to be my sufficiency; therefore, He is the only one I need (approval, acceptance, value, purpose, agreement with, included in) from, and since He lives inside of me, I have everything I need at my fingertips! When I find myself “needing” from others, I need a check-up from the neck up! 

No one is responsible for my joy, only me. 

No one owes me a thing. 

Everyone’s free to live the beautiful life they have been given to live, and they do not need to include me in it if they don’t want to. 

He – God is the only one I need approval, acceptance, value, purpose, and agreement with.

I am not supposed to reach outside of myself and expect others to fulfill me; that is not their job.

Do I really believe that I do not have the right to judge others?

These are points I had to remind myself about. I had to swallow deep on those to accept them, but they are true! My overwhelming insecurity was based on lack! Lack of faith in who I am, who He says I am. I was created to be more than a conqueror in every situation, to know that God always goes before me. My value was placed on the inside in that Christ within me…not on the outside from looks, Blue Tan Photo Girl in a Field Chose Joy Quote Facebook Post 3works, opinions, or people!


 1) “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). Your value begins with the fact that you are made by the hand of the Creator in His very image.


2) “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15). Even if you are forsaken by family and friends, you are always cherished in the heart of God.


3) “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). God’s thoughts toward you are lovely, and He has great plans for your life!


4) “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3). His love for you is relentless, immeasurable, and infinite.


5) “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The Creator of life loves you so intensely that He allowed His own Son to die in your place before you ever repented.


6) “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold … but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18, 19). God was willing to pay the highest price in the universe to redeem you—the blood of His dear Son.


I did not like the place I was at when I awoke this morning. The beauty of it is I get to choose where I will live, stay, remain, or leave. I chose to leave that place by looking at where my thoughts were and then redirecting them to where peace is found.  This is the power of our mind, my friends, and this is the power we have to transform it to new heights.


I just wanted to share my story with you today, I hope it helps someone!

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