How Many Firsts Do We Have?

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How Many Firsts Do We Have? Do you remember your first birthday picture? You know the one where you had cake all over your face and frosting was all over your one tooth smile. I’m sure your 2nd birthday all the way through whatever birthday you are about to celebrate were all special but there is just something supernatural about the firsts in our life.

Have you ever considered that God put you first? Psalms 139:16 talks about how He saw who He created us to be before we saw the light of day. A first birthday is one thing, but before we even had our first day of birth He had us on His mind.

I John 4:19 says that He first loved us. First, not second or third, but first. The other part of that verse says that we can love Him because He first loved us. Because of what He did first, we are now able to love back.

The Creator of all put me first! My only response is to follow by putting Him first! Here’s the next question, “How”? How do I put Him first?

Well, since you asked, let’s start with Proverbs 3:6. “In all your ways acknowledge Him.” How many ways do I have in a day? Oh, don’t get me started; there are days that my “ways” need a flow map! But, thankfully it says I can acknowledge Him in all of them if I want to.

Yep, all is my goal, but for now, we are going to focus on just the first.

How many firsts do we have each day? I’m a list kind of gal so let me list a few:

· First thought

· First step on the floor

· First drink of coffee

· First step out of the house

· First person I see in the day

· First door I open

· First thing out of my mouth

· First song I sing

· First goal in my day

· First phone call I answer

· First errand I run

· First hug I give (I’m a hugger)

· First email I open

· First text I write

· First conversation I have

· First responsibility I work on

When we stop to think about it, there are a lot of ways to put God first each and every day!

It truly is my heart’s desire to put God first. I do want to give Him as much of me and my crazy days as I can. I do want to acknowledge Him daily. So, today I am going to take a second to acknowledge Him in all of my firsts. Maybe you too will choose this option.

Make a list of some of your firsts and start plugging your Dad into them. Just as He celebrated us first, let’s deliberately celebrate Him in all our firsts each day.


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