Led By The Spirit: Girls Trip-Easily Entreated

Several hundreds of dollars, a hotel night or two and countless moments of patience had lead up to this moment.  As the line of teenage girls grew, the sounds of joy and anticipated energy grew too.


Thousands of teenagers (and a few mature souls as well) had been lined up for up to 10 hours in anticipation of the evening concert. They were just minutes away from the doors busting open. The excitement filled the air like confetti.

Nothing would stop their joy. Well, that was until around the corner came a group of people carrying signs. On each was engraved in bold black sharpie a declaration of beliefs. Written were sayings such as:
“Jesus is coming soon”
“Repentance is your only hope”
“Have you repented?”


The air that was previously ignited with a positive charge of anticipation quickly changed to a dull hum and an irritable murmur.
Why would the name Jesus change this? His name is the sweetest name, above all names.
The change was not brought about by whose name was on it but what message was being projected from it.
He is coming back, of


But is fear, condemnation, doubt, or shame the purpose of His return?
The conversations in line quickly turned to defensive stances. They were now defending their own beliefs, defending their choices and defending their friends.
What was to be a fun night celebrating music that they love was being attacked because a group of sincere people felt they needed to preach their views to the lined-up crowd.
Did it work?
Did souls drop everything and follow the cross being bore? Well, the census was clear by the groupies responses.  Some in the crowd were Christian, some were not, and some were in a crossroad. But not one of them was moved by love.
The conversation coming from the crowd after that moment was not one that gave God or Christianity any praise.
Romans 2 teaches us how change is brought about in the hearts and minds of people.
Romans 2:4
“…the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance”
Wait, it doesn’t say the fear of the Lord? It doesn’t say guilt, condemnation, or shame causes the heart of someone to change? No, it does not.
The goodness of God melts away chaff, melts away hardness, and fills a soul with love.  
James 3:17 is a beautiful description of what the wisdom from above truly is.
James 3:17
“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Our Heavenly Father is so loving. Like a daddy whose arms you just run into and rest in his lap fully confident that you are safe and loved; that’s how the wisdom from above feels to me.
It’s peaceable – brings me peace
Gentle – handles my heart and mind with care
Easy to be entreated – easy to receive
Full of mercy – favor like none other
Without partiality – unconditional for all who want it
Without Hypocrisy – means what is said and says why is meant
Wisdom from above cause beautiful fruit in my life. Wisdom that is from above gives my soul a beautiful song to sing ? .
Let’s look at James again and see the context of what 3:17 is saying.
“Who among you is wise and intelligent? Let him by his good conduct show his [good] deeds with the gentleness and humility of true wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not be arrogant, and [as a result] be in defiance of the truth. This [superficial] wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly (secular), natural (unspiritual), even demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder [unrest, rebellion] and every evil thing and morally degrading practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure [morally and spiritually undefiled], then peace-loving [courteous, considerate], gentle, reasonable [and willing to listen], full of compassion and good fruits. It is unwavering, without [self-righteous] hypocrisy [and self-serving guile]. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness (spiritual maturity) is sown in peace by those who make peace [by actively encouraging goodwill between individuals].”
James 3:13-18 AMP
Just two blocks over, about the same time as the bearers of white poster boards were taking their stance, two women walked into a restaurant to have dinner.  A kind blue eyed women with skin as beautifully dark and smooth as chocolate, named Rose, waved the ladies over to a booth where she and the waitress stood.
Telling of how under staffed they were and how tired they were in the shift that still had 5 hours left, they handed the ladies menus and stepped away.
Moved with compassion one of the woman said, “I need to go talk to Rose.” Rose was seated just across the way on the bar stool next to another hooded person. As soon as Heidi walked up to Rose she placed her arm around her and began to speak life into her. She asked her is she could pray for her and as the love filled words poured out of her, wisdom from above filled Rose’s heart as personal truths were revealed through the ministering prayer.
At this same moment the hooded patron next to Rose was shook by the gesture. Turning her stool to quickly escape, she and I locked eyes. She was nervous and uncomfortable by the exchanges as her face blatantly expressed her state.  I smiled at her.
She stepped away for a second then popped her head around the corner and spoke to me…
“Sorry I rolled my eyes. That just kinda freaked me out.”
Laughing, I said she was just fine. Heidi soon sat back at the booth, glowing of course, and we returned to our light hearted conversation and laughter. My hooded friend stared back in our direction and I waved her to come over.
Smiling I said, “ You ready to be uncomfortable again?”
Curiously laughing she came closer.   asked her name and what her story was. She explained that she was about to go into rehab for alcoholism but that she was doing it so she could get her job and two daughters, one and three, back.
I (after internally asking the Father) took her hand and without a moment to waste (a key to walking by the Spirit – not letting my head talk me out of it) began letting the Spirit in me flow through my words to minister to her.
Revealing truths only He knows, the prayer over her told her she was whole-three times this was repeated to her!  Shaken, but grateful she thanked us, hugged me and then went to sit down.  Heidi and I enjoyed a nice meal and when the time had come to leave we heard in our Spirit to tip well both our waitress and Rose.
Rose and my sweet new friend, Diamond, were sitting next to one another so Heidi walked over to Rose and handed her the tip. Once again Heidi spoke to her what her Spirit revealed. Tears welled up in her beautiful blue eyes for a second time as she hugged her and thanked her. Simultaneously, I wrapped my arms over Diamond to hug her. Grabbing my hand and pulling me in closer, He once again revealed truths specifically for Diamond  that I spoke into her.  When we left we told them that that place was holy ground because they were there – and it was!
This my friends is the wisdom from above. It is pure, gentle, and easily entreated. It flows from a heart of love and the Spirit of God within His children.
It is free.
It is imparted.
It is life giving.  
It requires nothing but love.  
Where other people are or are not in life is purely between them and the Father. We just get to love them with His love that does not come from my idea of what their walk in life should or should not be. But, comes from a place of unconditional love.
One for Father, two for myself, and then three to anyone and everyone that the Spirit tells me to touch.
Have confidence that it is God at work within you to will and to do of His good pleasure and simply BE that beautiful child of God you are.

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