Find Your Melody


The other day I sat down to have lunch with a friend.

He was a tall man of Native American descent with big broad shoulders and a heart of gold.  

As the four of us enjoyed our lunch, he began to tell me of his journey to find his capabilities. You see, he is a power-filled man who helps others to become healed. Healing Is not the point of this writing. The point of this is that I saw a man who had the courage to take the time to see what his talents were.

He then invested his heart and time to develop them.

I saw firsthand his ability, and I am so thankful that he loved himself enough to grow in his gift. The world is a better place because of him.

Have you ever taken the time to see what you are really good at? The Spirit within us has enabled us to be proficient at things. What’s the only thing holding us back?  

Yep, you guessed it.

It’s us.

This writing aims to help us look inside to see what we are supposed to be developing. To see what our talents and abilities are.


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“You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord!”  

Psalms‬ ‭139:13-14‬‬


You and I are very unique!

Our purpose can only be fulfilled by us and no one can take our place. Even our DNA has its own code. I recently read about a study done in 1990 by Susan Alexander, professor of music in Sacramento, California, and Dr. David Deemer of the University of California. Together they teamed up to take her personal DNA code and make a musical composition from it.  

She found her sound.

Since that study, they have made songs of many DNA codes. The point is clear: no two people are alike! We each have our own beautiful melody to sing on this planet!

Let’s begin finding our song by answering a few questions:

1.What are some things that you are good at?

2.What are some things you love to do?

3.What do others compliment you on?

So, how do I recognize what I am good at?

Simple, look at you! Many of us are truly afraid to simply look at ourselves for fear of being self-absorbed. But, you can not give if you do not have, and you can not love others if you don’t love yourself.  

Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” Ephesians 4:28

I am stealing from myself when I do not take the time to love myself enough to develop my God-given talents. This is “working with my hand the thing which is good”! 

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Mark 12:31

Loving myself is the key to how I can love someone else.

Love yourself enough to observe who you are.

What you like and don’t like.

Soon, you will see your talents.  

Let’s look at what things you are good at. Take a second to write down things you are good at.

What do you love?

I love photos. I love pictures of nature. I love pictures of humans in real raw form and photos that represent victory to me. Recently, I have discovered that I am good at putting my love for photography together with my passion for scripture/quotes/inspiration and have made some (in my opinion) beautiful memes and posts.

The way I discovered I was good at this was by taking what I like and playing around with it. I even do a weekly post with graphics and photos for a friend of mine to advertise her book. Now, I could have sat on my love for photography and my love for graphics and done absolutely nothing with it. That too was an option; but, because I started simply playing around with something I loved, I soon discovered a talent I have. 

I am endeavoring to develop what is inside me. With great intent, I am looking at “what do I love” and pushing myself to grow in these areas.

What do others compliment you on?            

Oh, here we go again. We might not have this answer because we are afraid of being self-absorbed or too prideful. The reality is, others do see what you are good at, and if I am willing to ask, I am guaranteed a good friend will tell me. It’s not boastful to ask; it actually takes some humility to ask.  

When someone gives me a compliment, it usually tears me up. Not just because I’m a grown cry baby, but also because I take that with great humility. It is an honor to be complimented. 

“Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.  For they release sweetness to our should and inner healing to our spirit.” Proverbs 16:24 TPT

“Words of wisdom are lie a fresh, flowing brook-like deep waters that spring forth from within, bubbling up inside the one with understanding.” Proverbs 18:4 TPT

Do you want to know how my friend found his talent? Someone saw it in him. A total stranger at the bookstore saw what books he was checking out (one guess they were about healing) then saw something in him. After a conversation or two, she helped him develop the beginning stages of what would soon be a very powerful healing journey.  

One word of life spoken into someone can change their trajectory. 

Do you think my friend looked this short comings and decided he had too many faults to develop his strengths? Nope!  He didn’t let himself be talked out of what was placed within by looking at weak areas.  Instead he focused on his strengths and began practicing with them.

“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Romans 11:29 KJV

God has placed callings and strengths in us and once placed, they are not taken away.  Even if we struggle at times to hit the mark in categories of life, He does not take back what He has given.  It is and will always be your gift and/or calling.  Even if I have let it lay dormant it is still mine. Even if I, at one time, exercised it but have stopped or forgotten, it is still my gift or calling.  I can at anytime develop what’s in me.  It is just waiting for me to engage.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Mathew 7:7 NIV

The simplicity of this is truly beautiful. Do you want to start to see what your calling is? Do you want to develop the God-given talents that are waiting inside you – yearning to shine?


You are beginning this journey by looking to see what you are good at, what you love, and what others see in you. Now, ask the Father to broaden all of this for you. Here is where you will truly begin to see what He sees and develop what He has placed within you!

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