Fan Club

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Fan Club? When I was young, I wanted to be a part of the Bon Jovi fan club. I know I have dated myself but hear me out. Bon Jovi was the hottest singer at that time. Yes, I said hot! You can take it for what it’s worth, but popular, top-selling, or best-looking will all work in defining hot.

I had this thought that if I were in his fan club, then maybe, just maybe, he would know it, appreciate it, and reach out to say thanks. Oh, the imagination of a teenage girl…it truly is amazing! Though I never took this dream beyond a fun idea, being a fan meant that there was something I admired about this person.

Did you know that we have our own personal fan club every day! The beauty of our fan club is that ours never fades away, always carries out its promise to support us, and only sees the best of the best in us.

Our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit within us are our fan club! This is a fan club that has stood the test of time, that is an anchor for us, and that never loses interest in us. Throughout the bible, our fan club has declared its love for us, support of us, and our value to it.

Romans 8:31 proclaims (I totally see this verse being read with a megaphone):

“If God be for us, who can be against us?” He is for us! Let me say that one more time, “He is for us!”

There are plenty of “haters” in this world, but our fan club is totally 100% for us. Are you doubting this? Okay, let me list a few examples of his declaration FOR US:

III John 2 – He wishes above all that we are prosperous and in health

Hebrews 13:5 – He will never leave us, nor forsake us

Psalms 91:2 – He is our refuge

Jeremiah 29:11 – He has plans for our success

Jeremiah 29:11 – He gives us hope

Psalms 34:15 – His eyes are on us

Psalm 34:17 – He is listening to help us when we ask

II Timothy 1:7 – He gave us power, love, and a sound mind

Psalms 139:17 – His thoughts of us are never-ending

Psalms 139:8 – His presence is always with us

Ephesians 3:16 – He wants to strengthen us with His might

Ephesians 4:32 – He has forgiven us

I John 3:16 – Jesus gave His life for us, literally!

John 16:13 – Holy Spirit leads us into truth

John 14:26 – Holy Spirit is our Comforter

We are never alone, no matter what “feelings” try to boss us into believing. When life is at its best or days are filled with pressure, let’s not forget that our fan club is ALWAYS there -cheering us on! Our fan club sees our worth and value {maybe I’m the only one who forgets that I was bought with a price and that my life matters to the One who simply breathed life and I was produced on this earth}.

Maybe I’m the only one who sometimes forgets that my perfection is not a reality, but His always is. But if you too sometimes walk down that street, remember: Your fan club is ALWAYS for you!!!

Go! Be that wonderful child of God you are declared to be because there is power in your corner, there are cheerleaders on your side, and your fan club will never fade away!

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