Soar Like an Eagle

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Soar Like an Eagle! My husband and I were recently in another critical situation and needed an answer from God concerning our safety. We experienced the threat of a hurricane approaching our town, and it was a large one, a category 5. We are no strangers to these storms, but a category 5 was bigger than ANY ever to land near our home. We were encouraged to evacuate the area.

The problem was, the storm would cover nearly our entire state. Where were we to evacuate to? We had to decide quickly. Then we went boldly unto God, expecting an answer. God directed our steps to safety within minutes of our request. We traveled several hours away from our town, to stay with an acquaintance who knew our situation and graciously invited us to their home.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV

We were soaring above the storm as we trusted our Heavenly Father to guide us to safety.

Our expectations and needs were more than abundantly provided. We had great rest, great food, and great fellowship with our new friends.

Would you like to mount up with wings like eagles?

We lived that promise as we mounted up with wings like eagles; we ran but were not weary, we walked but did not faint.

Then, we waited for the Lord to gain new strength. Our strength came from Him when we were so needy.

What does it mean to wait for the Lord?

To hope strongly, to trust, implying firmness and constancy of mind, to hope for, to wait for, to expect anything; to hope that a thing will be affected, and to wait steadily and patiently till it is effected; (New Wilson O.T. Word Studies pg. 470).

Eagles fly higher and faster than any birds in creation. Eagles will run to a storm when most birds run away from a storm. Let us run to God to expect His guidance and protection from the storms of life.

We mounted up on wings as Eagles on my healing journey and once again we ran to Him and put our trust and obedience in His Word and soared above the storm.

Eagles are about 30 to 45 inches in length, but their wingspan can be twice the size of the bird itself. Their wings measure over 8 feet many times which allows them to soar high in the heavens.

There are many storms in life, but we can mount up on wings like eagles, as His promise says. Can you picture yourself above those storms as you take His promise to heart? Wait for the Lord, with an intimate relationship of trust and obedience to Him.

Soaring never just happens. It is the result of winning the battle of the mind and taking the right thoughts captive, the thoughts of His Word…and when trouble comes you can Soar like an Eagle, above the storms of life.

Let’s soar!



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