No Ordinary Woman.

In Him We Live! No Ordinary Woman! God created you to be more than ordinary.

He created you to be Extra-Ordinary.

When you received His gift of holy spirit you were no longer just a body and a soul, you became a three-part being of Body-Soul-Spirit; complete, a perfect work through the miracle of the New Birth!

This is our movement, daughter of God, to stand out from the crowd, to boldly proclaim I am His and He is mine. To see signs follow you, to see miracles performed through you, to be His wonder!  To rely only upon your God. To expect only from Him. To be independently dependent on Him alone. He is enough for you. To experience all that power that Christ has given you the authority to use! To love on people and to heal them of all disease or broken-heartedness.

We are His masterpieces and we radiate with His divine love everywhere we go.  You were created to live in this day-time-hour. Created for such a time as this and together we will move mountains!

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Kalyn & Heidi

In Him We Live started from a sweet friendship built on the principles of God’s Word over 25 years ago. We have been iron for each other as depicted in Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Our vision is to capture all that you are in Christ because YOU WERE MADE FOR SUCH A TIME A THIS. Join us as we learn and live the depths of God’s unfathomable love, power, favor, grace, and mercy.

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More About Us

The New Birth is the most wonderful Miracle to begin with! Romans 10:9-10 shows us how to receive the new birth.

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

This begins the first Miracle for you. NOW, you have unlimited resources available to you.

You now have the holy spirit inside of you, coursing through your veins and behind every fiber of your being.

You have access to all nine of the manifestations of holy spirit. 1 Corinthians 12

You are seated in the heavenlies. Ephesians 2:6

You have Christ in You, the hope of glory! Colossians 1:27

You have direct access with God! Ephesians 2:18

Let’s walk this journey together! God has called you for Such A Time As This!

Statement of Faith

In Him We Live

  1. We believe in one God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Creator of all things. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
  2. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of Mary, crucified, died, was buried, resurrected, ascended into heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of the true God and Father. (John 3:16)
  3. We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the absolute inspired Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct. It’s a spiritual book, written by The Spirit for the spirit. (II Timothy 2:15)
  4. We believe in the future return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ( I Thessalonians 4:13-18)
  5. We believe in the personal salvation of Believers by believing in the heart and confessing with the mouth that Jesus is Lord. (“Romans 10:9 and 10.”)
  6. We believe in sanctification, redemption, justification, and ministry of reconciliation and righteousness as sonship rights given at the time of the new birth through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit.
  7. We believe in divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, via the shed blood and broken body, and that healing is included in the redemption and available at any time during life.
  8. We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as outlined in Romans 10:9-10. We believe that every born-again person has the ability to operate all nine of the manifestations of the holy spirit. Also, we believe in the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. (Ephesians 4:7)
  9. We believe in the Christian commission (Matthew 28:19) by speaking boldly, tenderly, and lovingly to all of humanity.
  10. We believe in the forgiveness of sins as outlined in scripture by confessing our sins to our Heavenly Father, God and that forgiveness is given at that moment. (1 John 1:9)
  11. We believe the thief, the devil, comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy and credit any of these actions as belonging to him. In complete contrast, we believe that Jesus came so that we might have life {Zoe – life in all of its fullness} and have it more abundantly. He gets credit for this abundance in life. (John 10:10)
  12. We believe that God desires greatly to work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)

N.O.W – No Ordinary Woman

No Ordinary Woman.

N.O.W.—Woman, God created you to be more than ordinary.

He created you to be Extra-Ordinary.

When you received His gift of Holy Spirit you were no longer just a body and a soul, you became a three-part being of Body-Soul-Spirit; complete, a perfect work through the miracle of the New Birth!

This is our movement, daughter of God, to stand out from the crowd: to boldly proclaim I am His and He is mine. To see signs follow you, to see miracles performed through you, to be His Wonder!  To rely only upon your God. To expect only from Him. To be independently dependent on Him alone. He is enough for you.

We are His masterpieces and we radiate with His divine love everywhere we go.  You were created to live in this day-time-hour. Created for such a time as this and together we will move mountains!

In Him We Live exists so that women who love God can know and believe that they were born for such a time as NOW.

Our Code

  1. Jesus is the center and the Head of The Body

It’s All About Following His Directive (Colossians 1:18)

  1. We believe big and take action

It’s all about activated faith All About Activated Faith (James 2:14-26)

  1. We honor one another to glorify God

It’s allAll About the Romans 12 Experience

  1. We are Lovers, not Haters

It’s All About loving on others (Mark 12:31)

  1. We think in Color

It’s All About how God inspires us by working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13)

  1. We don’t back down

It’s All About submitting to God and watching the Devil flee in terror (James 4:7)

  1. We stand approved before God

It’s All About knowing scripture and how to apply (2 Timothy 2:15)

  1. We choose our thoughts

It’s All About knowing which thought to lead captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)

  1. We will express gratitude

It’s All About keeping a thankful heart (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

  1. We move from a place of power

It’s All About using the right tools afforded us through Jesus Christ, His Father, The Holy Spirit, and The Bible. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

  1. We speak to our mountains (ALL OF THEM)

It’s All About the power of our words (Mark 11:23)


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