Consider with me for a moment two animals; the lion and the elephant. Both have a purpose, and both have the freedom to roam the land. Both have strengths, and both can dominate if they choose to. The elephant, however, is more intelligent than a lion. Elephants’ intelligence has been studied for years. Researchers have […]
Monthly Archives: March 2023
I recently watched an amazing movie that inspired me to spend sometime looking at God’s love for us. The movie is called, Jesus Revolution. It follows the life of a few men. One who had been a preacher for many many years, one who was high schoolER-searching, and another who was a former hippie turned “Jesus Freak”. Each man was on a […]
The other day I spent sometime in conversation with an acquaintance of mine. As we talked she began telling me that if I ever need something, she was there for me. This is a kind place to come from but as the conversation went down a winding road the words she spoke became more gossip […]